

Kenilworth was carefully planned to offer its inhabitants both scenic beauty and seclusion, alongside easy access to the heart of Chicago. This has contributed to it becoming one of the most prosperous neighborhoods in the Midwest.

The inception of Kenilworth in 1889 by Joseph Sears marked the beginning of a community characterized by its exclusivity, housing less than 1,000 residences within its 0.6-square-mile territory; it consciously avoids hosting large commercial establishments. The spatial layout of the village was orchestrated around the Kenilworth Club, its community assembly hall, to amplify the natural splendor of the area. This forward-thinking design strategy garnered attention from architects at the 1893 Columbian Exposition held in Chicago.

The architectural landscape of Kenilworth is enriched by waterfront estates that stand alongside Prairie-style dwellings, a concept brought to life by architect and pioneer resident, George Maher. Franklin Burnham, another renowned architect, contributed to the area by designing the railway station and several of the first homes. While there are opportunities to acquire newly constructed homes, it is mandatory that these adhere to stringent architectural guidelines to preserve the longstanding tradition of sophistication in Kenilworth.

The educational institutions in Kenilworth are top-tier, with the Joseph Sears School and the New Trier High School, the latter consistently being acknowledged as one of the premier high schools in the nation by U.S. News.

The inhabitants of Kenilworth have a variety of leisure options to choose from, such as indulging in culinary experiences in the neighboring villages or taking a quick trip to the city from the Kenilworth Metra Station. The community also boasts a pristine public beach, picturesque fountains, inviting parks, and a vibrant historical society. Furthermore, events like the annual Memorial Day parade add to the endearing quality of life in this charming community.

Overview for Kenilworth, IL

2,423 people live in Kenilworth, where the median age is 40.4 and the average individual income is $121,109. Data provided by the U.S. Census Bureau.


Total Population

40.4 years

Median Age


Population Density Population Density This is the number of people per square mile in a neighborhood.


Average individual Income

Around Kenilworth, IL

There's plenty to do around Kenilworth, including shopping, dining, nightlife, parks, and more. Data provided by Walk Score and Yelp.

Somewhat Walkable
Walking Score
Bike Score

Points of Interest

Explore popular things to do in the area, including CVS Pharmacy, The Dress Reserve, and Booked.

Name Category Distance Reviews
Ratings by Yelp
Dining 3.29 miles 5 reviews 5/5 stars
Shopping 4.57 miles 5 reviews 5/5 stars
Shopping 4.24 miles 16 reviews 5/5 stars
Active 4.25 miles 6 reviews 5/5 stars
Active 2.89 miles 17 reviews 5/5 stars
Active 3.05 miles 5 reviews 5/5 stars

Demographics and Employment Data for Kenilworth, IL

Kenilworth has 755 households, with an average household size of 3.21. Data provided by the U.S. Census Bureau. Here’s what the people living in Kenilworth do for work — and how long it takes them to get there. Data provided by the U.S. Census Bureau. 2,423 people call Kenilworth home. The population density is 3,988.85 and the largest age group is Data provided by the U.S. Census Bureau.


Total Population


Population Density Population Density This is the number of people per square mile in a neighborhood.


Median Age

48.99 / 51.01%

Men vs Women

Population by Age Group


0-9 Years


10-17 Years


18-24 Years


25-64 Years


65-74 Years


75+ Years

Education Level

  • Less Than 9th Grade
  • High School Degree
  • Associate Degree
  • Bachelor Degree
  • Graduate Degree

Total Households


Average Household Size


Average individual Income

Households with Children

With Children:

Without Children:

Marital Status


Blue vs White Collar Workers

Blue Collar:

White Collar:

Commute Time

0 to 14 Minutes
15 to 29 Minutes
30 to 59 Minutes
60+ Minutes

Schools in Kenilworth, IL

All ()
Primary Schools ()
Middle Schools ()
High Schools ()
Mixed Schools ()
The following schools are within or nearby Kenilworth. The rating and statistics can serve as a starting point to make baseline comparisons on the right schools for your family. Data provided by the U.S. Census Bureau.
School rating
The Joseph Sears School
PreK - 8th


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